UEFA scores
The 76-years president of the Union of the European soccer scores associations has unexpectedly declared (UEFA) Lennart Johansson, that on the next elections will stand again on a post of the head of this organization. However, the Swede in the near future should make urgently amendments to the rules of UEFA which says, that members of executive committee, the commissions and committees can hold the posts only before the 70 anniversary soccer scores . While Lennart Johansson safely declares the desire to prolong the powers for four years.
“I consider such variant as nobody has expressed the desire to become the candidate on this post. And those who was caused, are insufficiently competent, - the 76-years Swede, three years ago has declared treatment for a cancer. - therefore I shall better continue the business begun 16 years ago, than I shall admit arrival of those who does not wish to work and will destroy all constructed ". In the Union of the European soccer scores associations long time of the "top" age qualification was not. Large officials retired or owing to loud scandal, or in that case when the burden of the lived years outweighed collected on one bowl of weights thirst of a profit and glory, and also sensation of own importance.
The predecessor of the present president of UEFA Jacque George has left an armchair of the head of the Union in 1990 in the age of 73 years. Lennart Johansson now 76 year old. Two years ago the executive committee of the football European Union has solved, that the members of the committees which have reached the seventieth anniversary, cannot be selected for the next term. To take effect this law should since 2006.
Probably, Johansson has simply forgotten about the given decree, differently would not throw in interview by the Swedish journalist that will propose again the candidature on elections of the head of UEFA. We shall remind that the Scandinavian supervises over the European soccer scores since 1990. Before it was already re-elected for the next term three times. This time with the big share of confidence it is possible to assume, that new for the Swede does not wait. However, itself Johansson that Frants Bekenbauer, the head of organizing committee of the world soccer cup in Germany, all the same will make an application on a post of the president of UEFA hopes.
Better to note, that in 1998 Lennart Johansson has taken part in election campaign of president FIFA, but has lost on elections to Joseph Blatter. Besides career of the soccer scores functionary the official has quite good business, in particular, is the owner of several large corporations in Sweden. So without means of subsistence the aged ambitious man obviously does not remain.
“I consider such variant as nobody has expressed the desire to become the candidate on this post. And those who was caused, are insufficiently competent, - the 76-years Swede, three years ago has declared treatment for a cancer. - therefore I shall better continue the business begun 16 years ago, than I shall admit arrival of those who does not wish to work and will destroy all constructed ". In the Union of the European soccer scores associations long time of the "top" age qualification was not. Large officials retired or owing to loud scandal, or in that case when the burden of the lived years outweighed collected on one bowl of weights thirst of a profit and glory, and also sensation of own importance.
The predecessor of the present president of UEFA Jacque George has left an armchair of the head of the Union in 1990 in the age of 73 years. Lennart Johansson now 76 year old. Two years ago the executive committee of the football European Union has solved, that the members of the committees which have reached the seventieth anniversary, cannot be selected for the next term. To take effect this law should since 2006.
Probably, Johansson has simply forgotten about the given decree, differently would not throw in interview by the Swedish journalist that will propose again the candidature on elections of the head of UEFA. We shall remind that the Scandinavian supervises over the European soccer scores since 1990. Before it was already re-elected for the next term three times. This time with the big share of confidence it is possible to assume, that new for the Swede does not wait. However, itself Johansson that Frants Bekenbauer, the head of organizing committee of the world soccer cup in Germany, all the same will make an application on a post of the president of UEFA hopes.
Better to note, that in 1998 Lennart Johansson has taken part in election campaign of president FIFA, but has lost on elections to Joseph Blatter. Besides career of the soccer scores functionary the official has quite good business, in particular, is the owner of several large corporations in Sweden. So without means of subsistence the aged ambitious man obviously does not remain.